Bonjour, cher journal!

Aujourd’hui le Farrier came!
He cut a lot off my sabots and it feels so much better now!
He was très late, and I kept going in and out of le pâturage all day long, it seems.
While l’humain was waiting, she lavage my oreilles again! And mon nez!
But it feels bien most of the time. She put huile de neem on them too, making them moins de démangeaisons, less itchy. 
And mes pieds are almost not aching now!
I did échapper again though, while she was in la maison. Les poulets don’t need all that food. Much better in mon ventre, my belly.
We were not allowed back sur l’herbe the whole day. I like grass much better than foin!
Oz had his sabots done too.

Bonne chance!
